Our vision is to work towards a just Myanmar where people live self-determined lives in dignity and security, use natural resources sustainably and care for the environment.
About us
Our Vision
Our Mission
Through Burmese-led projects, INEDUCO Foundation creates opportunities for people to network with each other and take responsibility for their own lives.
Our projects
- INcome generating: INEDUCO promotes income-generating activities; the focus is on the experience of self-efficacy (especially in the SME sector).
- EDUcation: INEDUCO opens up training and further education opportunities; the focus is on practical relevance (e.g. in environmental education) and applicability (e.g. in the financial sector).
- Community development: Community promoting development (institutional, political, social and economic) is only sustainable if it is embedded in civil society development. In emergency situations (e.g. natural disasters, conflicts, wars),
Our values
- Our commitment is based on solidarity and partnership.
- We act on the basis of civil and human rights and support the right to self-determined development.
- We are committed to social justice and equal rights for women and men, regardless of age, origin, language, religion, culture and socio-political convictions.
- We respect the cultural values of our partners and expect them to respect our fundamental values.
- We stand for a balance between economic, ecological and social concerns.
Foundation organization
Board of Trustees
- Thomas Bienz (Actuary and Finance)
- Niklaus Brockhaus (Chairman and Managing Director)
- Valerie Brockhaus (Assessor)
- Marianne Rigonalli (Assessor)
- Maja Schiftan (Assessor)
- Dominik Wlodarczak (Assessor)
Project Quality, Monitoring, Communication
- Heinz Ermatinger, www.bueraupilatusstr.ch
Burmese partners (responsible for specific project areas)
- Daw Aye Aye Thin, retired English-Teacher at the University of Yangon (for consultations in the cultural field)
- Daw Lu Sam, UN-WFP Programme Policy Officer (for training projects)
- Dr. Maung Maung Than, Country Director of RECOFTC (for community promotion and environmental training)
- Daw Thet Hta Su, University-Teacher and IT specialist, cultural translations and active support of the ToT programme as Assistant-Teacher
- Mr. Zung Ting, Environmental Education Officer at Pestalozzi Children's Foundation (for projects in Kachin State)
- Jürg Badertscher, Turicum Wirtschaftsprüfung AG, Zürich
The members of the Foundation Board, the auditor and the organisation and quality expert work on a voluntary basis. The Foundation is not invoiced for per diems, meeting allowances, travel expenses, absence from work or administrative costs. Consequently, the donations received go in their entirety to the projects.
Support is provided in direct contact with local project participants (local non-governmental organisations and private individuals).
Tax exemption
Tax exemption of the Foundation for all donations was granted by the tax authorities of the Canton of Zurich on 24 April 2008.
Who we work with
Swiss Embassy in Yangon (Swiss NGO Meeting)
Burmese NGOs:
GEDA Green Environment Development Association
Yangon Kayin Baptist Women's Association, (on Facebook; tel. +951 652 250)
MBE Myanmar Business Executives Association https://www.mbemyanmar.org
Pann Pyoe Lett Foundation,Yangon (on Facebook)
RECOFTC The Center of People and Forests; www.recoftc.org
Initially, financial contributions came almost exclusively from purely private circles (acquaintances, relatives and friends). Later, they were supplemented by various private institutions (such as schools, churches, associations and other foundations).
In 2007 - at the suggestion of professional colleagues - INEDUCO Foundation - with its three focal points (ref. Our Mission) - was established and entered in the commercial register.